The Ebon Legion is a costuming group in which we share patterns and costuming knowledge, provide work space and tutorials, and meet up for weekend workshops to build themed armor suits for our members.
We also provide access to a large list of Ribbons and Rivets wholesale accounts as we strive to make building armor suits cheaper and easier. The end goal: large appearances at special events across the country like Ren faires and Comic-cons with an Ebon Legion invasion force of dark armored members.

Objective 1
Enlist in the Legion
We do a lot of coordinating of events, bulk purchases, and group inputs through The Ebon Legion Facebook Group. We also have a Discord Channel through which we share general crafting questions, ideas, and just hang out.
Objective 2
Become a Legionnaire
If you'd really like to be involved, go for the Legionnaire status! You'll need 3 of these regions outfitted in black armor (as shown in the picture to the right) though it doesn't have to be that exact design, nor necessarily out of leather. Send us a picture of your outfit and we'll give you Legionnaire status!

Objective 3
Join our Invasions
Every so often, we'll plan a group outing to either a Renaissance Faire or a ComicCon as the Ebon Legion. Everyone is welcome to come, though we do want as many people to dress up as possible. We'll bring banners so we can rally together!
Find our next invasion under the events tab of the FB group.
Objective 4
Grow the Community
At the end of the day, everyone is welcome to join- whether they want to come to a build/crafting party just once, be an online observer, or become a full legionnaire. So if it's something that you're excited to be a part of, bring your friends!